Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?

By Lynn •  Updated: 02/06/24 •  8 min read
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Does cold formula cause gas in babies? Depends on who you ask! Like so many things related to your baby, whether or not to feed your baby warm or chilled milk is debatable. Rather than falling squarely on either side of the issue, we’d like to present you with the facts and let you decide for yourself.

Interested in finding out more about the warm or cold formula debate? We thought so! 

Does Cold Milk Upset Baby’s Stomach?

Cold milk can upset a baby’s stomach, but it doesn’t bother every baby. In and of itself, cold milk doesn’t contain anything that would essentially cause your baby’s stomach to become upset. Having said that, however, some studies have shown that premature babies respond better to slightly warmed milk when it comes to digestion, but again, this will be different for every baby.

Does Cold Formula Upset Baby’s Stomach?

Whether or not the formula is warm or cold may not make a difference when it comes to baby formula, though some babies’ digestive systems respond better to warmer milk. 

Bear in mind that your baby may not adjust well to formula, simply because formula is formulated with cow’s milk which does not suit a baby’s digestive system as well as breast milk does. As a result, your baby may experience gastrointestinal issues related to the consumption of formula, but it usually isn’t because of the temperature of the milk that your baby is experiencing issues. 

Can Babies Drink Cold Breastmilk?

Babies can absolutely drink cold breast milk, just be sure not to mix cold and warm breast milk without chilling both first.

With that being said, many babies prefer warmer breast milk, or any milk for that matter, over colder breast milk. Why? Because milk that is fresh from the breast is generally warm. Babies are used to the warm milk, and as such, often prefer the taste of warmed milk over cold. Cold milk, like a cold glass of water, can be particularly jarring in the middle of the night or before sleepy times. If you notice your baby fussy during feeding with a bottle or wondered why do babies get fussy in the evening in relation to bottle feeding, consider investing in a milk warmer as an easy way to gently warm your baby’s bottle before serving.

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Is Warm or Cold Formula Better For Gas?

When it comes to gas and your baby, it could be that warm formula is better for gas. But not always. It really will depend on your baby!

For some babies, gas can be relieved by drinking milk that is slightly warm, but not too hot. Because babies are accustomed to drinking warm milk from the breast, milk that is warm in the form of formula may be received better by the digestive system, though this has not been scientifically proven.

Still, if you notice that your baby seems to have more gas when the milk is warmed, or just seems to be gassier in general when drinking warm or cold formula, be sure to check with your pediatrician to ensure that it isn’t the formula or something else causing your baby such issues. 

Can Cold Formula Cause Gas?

Cold formula may cause gas or some little ones, but let’s hope it isn’t yours!

Serving up cold milk to your baby can be convenient because you don’t have to wait 10-15 minutes trying to gently warm your baby’s bottle. 

If your baby is willing to take the bottle at a cold temperature, go for it! It will save you time, especially in the middle of the night.

If, however, your baby isn’t too keen on cold formula or seems to have more gas when they consume it, it may be time to seek another solution. Whatever you do, don’t rush the milk warming process. Actions like sticking your baby’s bottle in the microwave can kill beneficial nutrients and can create hot pockets within the formula that can scorch your newborn’s mouth. Instead, invest in a bottle warmer or give your baby’s bottle a water bath to bring the liquid up to room temperature before serving. 

What Happens If Baby Drinks Cold Formula?

In most cases, nothing will happen if you serve your baby cold formula.

However, your child may gripe at the temperature. Remember, many babies prefer warm formula as it closely mimics the temperature of mother’s milk. However, if your baby doesn’t mind cold formula, you may certainly serve it to your baby as long as he or she seems to tolerate it well. 

Note: Remember that you should never feed an infant cow’s milk as a substitute for formula or breast milk. Cow’s milk does not have the required nutrients that it takes to properly nourish your baby. Thus, you should hold off on introducing cow’s milk to your baby’s diet as a replacement for formula or breast milk until your baby is at least one year old. 

Can Cold Formula Cause Constipation?

It isn’t usually the temperature of the baby’s milk that causes constipation, although constipation may occur in some babies who drink cold milk. Though rare, some groups of babies, such as premature babies, often do better with formula or breast milk that is gently warmed, rather than cold. 

baby covered with white blanket

Can Babies Drink Formula Cold?

A baby may drink formula cold as long as he or she is able to stand it! Most babies will not experience any concerning symptoms after drinking cold milk. Though if your baby does, you may consider warming the milk to see if that helps. 

What Happens If Formula Is Too Cold?

Your baby will likely reject milk that is too cold. Don’t use freezing cold water to prepare your baby’s bottle and do not chill your baby’s bottle to the point of almost freezing. If you are fearful that your baby’s bottle may be too cold, consider gently warming the milk over the stove or purchasing a bottle warmer. We do not recommend the microwave for the reasons previously mentioned. 

What Formula Is Best For Gassy Baby?

A baby that is gassy after consuming formula may be gassy for a plethora of reasons. There may be too many bubbles in the milk. Or they may simply not be tolerating that brand of formula well. Speak to a pediatrician before changing your baby’s milk diet, and be sure not to change it up too often. Allow your pediatrician to advise you on what to do when it comes to formula and your baby’s gas


Can Babies Drink Milk Straight From the Fridge?

Yes, many babies can tolerate milk straight from the fridge, but many babies do not enjoy this. Warm it gently if you can, but avoid shortcuts, like microwaving, that can scorch your baby’s mouth.

Is Warm Formula Easier to Digest?

For some babies, warm formula may be easier to digest, but not all. Be mindful of your baby’s likes and dislikes when it comes to the temperature of the formula, and pay attention to your baby’s body cues, such as gas, that serve as a warning sign that you may need to switch things up. 

baby in blanket

Does Cold Formula Cause Gas? Not Necessarily…

Cold formula doesn’t necessarily cause gas in infants. But sometimes, it might.

If you notice that your infant has excessive gas after feeding him or her cold formula, you may wish to try gently warming the bottle to see if the results are the same. If nothing changes, be sure to speak with your pediatrician for tailored advice.


Lynn is a freelance writer, a wife, and a mother of two beautiful kids. Lynn started Infant Empire with the aim of making parenting easier for fellow mums and dads. She believes the parenting tips provided here will be of great help to all parents.

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