What to put in a Diaper Caddy: Checklist for an Organized Changing Station

By Lynn •  Updated: 09/28/21 •  6 min read
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Is a diaper caddy necessary or is it one of those cute to have baby items that we hardly use? Honestly, I think it is not a must-have item but it is nice to have one. It makes changing diapers much easier without having to run to the nursery every time the baby needs to be changed. Caddies are mobile so you can move around with it and they keep everything organized in one place. But how do you decide what to put in a diaper caddy? Let’s look at some of the necessary items you need to put in a caddy.

What is a diaper caddy?

A diaper caddy is simply an organizer that has compartments and pockets to store small essential baby items like wipes, diapers, and diaper rash cream among others.

Most parents think “do I have to buy a diaper caddy? Can’t I just use a basket or a box?

Well, Yes you can.

But the difference between a diaper caddy and a basket or box is that the caddy has compartments and pockets. So you put every item in its place.

Which baby diaper caddy organizer is best for me?

There are several diaper caddies available in the market today. You can choose to buy a stationary caddy, portable caddy or a hanging caddy.

1. Stationary caddy

Stationary caddies are also referred to as tabletop organizers. They are large enough to accommodate nearly 20 diapers and have several compartments for other baby items.

These are mainly suitable for placing on a changing table since they are a bit bulky to move them around the house. Nonetheless, they help to keep the changing station organized.

2. Portable Caddy

If you like changing your baby’s diapers anywhere in the house then you should go for a portable diaper caddy. A major advantage of this type of caddy is that you can move it from the nursery to your room or living room and change the baby at your convenience.

In addition, you can carry the portable caddy with you to visit friends, for a day trip or a holiday.

3. Hanging Caddy

As for the hanging caddies, you cannot carry them around. They are designed to be hanged on cribs, closets, playards and walls.

The good thing about these types of caddies is that they are large enough to accommodate nearly all small essential baby items.

Okay, now that you have understood what a diaper caddy is and have probably settled on the type that you should buy, let’s talk about what you should put in the caddy.

What to put in a diaper caddy checklist

  • Diapers

Obviously, diapers are the main items that should be put in a diaper caddy. You need to get a caddy that can accommodate as many diapers as possible so that you do not keep running out.

what to put in diaper caddy
  • Diaper cream

Your baby may not need to have the cream applied at every diaper change. But it is important to have one nearby just in case you notice a rash on the baby when changing.

  • Wipes

Wipes are a must have when changing diapers. You can choose to have disposable ones or cloth wipes. Put several in the caddy so that you don’t keep running out.

  • Wipe warmer

A wipe warmer is essential especially for those cold nights and freezing days. You don’t want to use a cold wipe in the middle of the night as this might make it difficult for the baby to fall back to sleep.

Related article: Nightlight for diaper changes

  • Hand sanitizer

Of course, you need to have a hand sanitizer for use after changing diapers instead of going to the bathroom to wash your hands.

  • Lotion or baby oil

You need the baby lotion to moisturize your baby’s skin after bath. If you decide to give your baby a massage, the oil may come in handy.

  • Changing pad/cloth

A changing pad or cloth is important to have close by if you are changing diapers in other areas other than on the changing station in the nursery.

  • Grooming Kit

A grooming kit contains items like hairbrush and comb, nasal aspirator, nail clippers and file, thermometer, gum massager, teether, and toothbrush. Having all these in a diaper caddy provides easy access when you need them.

  • Small toys

Most babies do not stay still during diaper changes. They wiggle a lot trying to find something around them to grab and entertain themselves during the changing period. So toys come in handy to keep them calm and ease the process.

  • Pacifier

You may also need to have a pacifier in there to soothe the baby in case he/she starts crying during a diaper change.

  • Spray bottle for cloth wipes

If you are using cloth wipes, then a spray bottle is a must have in the diaper caddy to wet the wipes before use.

  • Cotton balls

You cannot miss having cotton balls when you have a baby. They come in handy during a bath to wipe the baby’s eyes. Some parents also use them instead of wipes. Simply dip the cotton balls in plain water or baby oil and use it on the baby’s tush (works great for newborns).

  • Bath liquid or soap and shampoo

These are needed when giving the baby a bath. You do not have to run to the bathroom to get them.

  • Burp cloth

We breastfeed from different parts of the house; in the kitchen, on the couch, bedroom and even in the nursery. Thus, you need to have some burp cloths in your portable diaper caddy so that you can pull one when necessary.

  • Change of clothes

So you are doing a diaper change and then you notice that everything blew out of the diaper onto the baby’s clothes. If you are changing in the living room, you might have to run upstairs to get clean clothes for the baby. But if you have some neatly packed in the portable diaper caddy, you just go ahead and change the baby.


When all is said and done, what to put in a diaper caddy boils down to what you want to have quick access to especially when changing diapers or bathing baby. Diaper caddies offer a great way to organize your house so that you do not have baby items in all corners. They also help to keep safe small items like thermometers and nail clippers, which get misplaced easily.


Lynn is a freelance writer, a wife, and a mother of two beautiful kids. Lynn started Infant Empire with the aim of making parenting easier for fellow mums and dads. She believes the parenting tips provided here will be of great help to all parents.